Tuesday, November 26, 2019
7 Simple Ways To Improve Your Email Open Rates
7 Simple Ways To Improve Your Email Open Rates Do you know what your email open rates are? Think about it: youve put the work into the email youre sending. Wouldnt it be nice if people actually opened it and read it? According to Campaign Monitor, aà 20 40% open rate for email is typical, depending upon who your audience is.à Higher open rates are associated with religious or sports content (dedicated followers), while e-commerce and marketing tend to hover around 20%. If your emails are less than the average 20% email open rates, what can you do to bring that up and get more eyeballs reading your email content? 1. Treat Subject Lines Like Headlines Creating the subject lines of your email follows similar rules as making great headlines. Like a blog post headline, your email subject line bears most of the responsibility of getting your email open rates up where they should be. Good subject lines have a few characteristics: 1. No trickery.à Your subject line should tell your reader what theyll read, and not use subterfuge to trick them into opening an email. Remember the boy who cried wolf? That kind of email subject line will only work once, if they dont unsubscribe. 2. No yelling.à It should go without saying that using all caps in your subject line is a poor idea. However, both title case and sentence case can work magic. Title case works when you are using a shorter subject line which has headline-like quality (e.g. The 5 Most Important Email Tips Ever). Sentence case works when you have a longer or more conversational subject line (e.g. Have you made these 3 blogging mistakes?) 3. Numbers do work. Using numbers in your headline has shown to increase reader engagement. The same can be said for your email subject lines. Dont shy away from a subject that contains a number. 4. Some words dont work. There are words you should avoid using, even if you arent using them in a scam way. Spam filters are already working overtime to protect inboxes. You dont want to give them something to work with on your emails. There are also words that spam filters leave alone, but so do your human readers. For these,à MailChimp identifies their three worst offenders as Help, Percent Off, and Reminder. Spammers have unfortunately desensitized a lot of readers; be sure you dont sound anything like spam. 5. Hit the ideal length. The general rule of thumb is that your subject line should be around 50 characters. Thats not to say 40 wont work, or that 65 is a bad idea. The key is that you must be aware some email programs might cut characters off and if you have your most important word at the end of a long subject you might lose them. Keep important words at the beginning if you have a longer subject line. 6. Story wins. Whenever possible, approach your subject line as a story. In other words, pique your readers curiosity in your email and get their emotions (fear, humor, curiosity, anger, joy, gain, logic) involved; anything that suggests there is more to be read gets readers to open your email. Our Latest Newsletter is much less interesting than Have You Missed The Biggest News Yet? Sometimes a statement-type subject line is necessary, but do try to ping emotions in the subject line when possible. 2. A/B Test Your Subject Lines We regularly test the subject line of our weekly Content Marketing Update. We do this to find out which subject line will get the most opens and perform the best for a limited number of random users before sending it out to our entire list. In the example below, using A/B testing, our sample group helped us select the most successful headline of the two wed come up with, and increased our open rate by an estimated 70%. Version A carried the subject line of Are You A Content Hacker? which forced the reader to ask themselves a question they likely didnt know the answer to, since it is a new term. They clicked to find out. Its similar to the quizzes we get sucked into in magazines or online; were curious to find out who and what we are. Version B carried the subject line of How To Make A Living Blogging which is a helpful topic with a very specific audience of those who actually wanted to make their living blogging. A/B test your email subject and let your readers tell you what works best.I was the one creating the email, and I thought that Version B would be the more popular option. After all, there seems to be a spate of people concerned about making a living and our list was likely filled with people who wanted to do it with writing and blogging. But I was mistaken. Our list has a broad readership, with many of them serving in professional content marketing and social media marketing capacities. They were less interested in making a living blogging than they were to find out about what a content hacker might be.à The email with Are You A Content Hacker was the winner of our A/B test, and it sent out to our entire list with good success. A/B is based on the very simple idea of having two ideas, and letting your audience tell you which one they like. Most email providers, such as MailChimp and AWeber, offer A/B testing that makes it simple to test your subject lines. 3. Consider The First Sentence Its easy to forget that some email programs show the first few words of the first sentence in the inbox. My Gmail doesnt show me the first sentence and I forget that other email software, such as Sparrow and Outlook, does. Why should that matter? Because some of your readers are going to use both the subject line and the first line to give an indication on whether its worth opening or not. The first line of your email will show in some email software. In the example above, you can see that our recent Content Marketing Update email, in this view, had a truncated subject line and the first sentence had to help sell it. How many bloggers use email software that places a notice at the top that says the reader can click here if the email does not appear correctly? The first words of your email should help sell the email, not take care of maintenance.à This particular situation is the case for my personal blogs RSS-driven email, and that means the great headlines I might come up with are followed by a mundane message that suggests theres a chance my email wont look correctly and might not be worth the hassle. Thats not very enticing.à Maybe it doesnt hurt, if your headline is unbelievably superb, but it certainly doesnt help. Think of the opening line of your email like the next level headline. Do what you can with your template so that the first words are valuable. Change your email template to reflect something that feeds the curiosity that the subject line started. 4. Make Email Personally From You The from portion of your email is a way to humanize your email. When we send out our weekly email, we send it from Garrett, not from . Why? Our emails are by people, from people, for people. They arent from vague brands, apps, or objects with a possible nefarious agenda against humans. People connect with people, not with inanimate objects.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Use Functions and Procedures in Delphi
How to Use Functions and Procedures in Delphi Have you ever found yourself writing the same code over and over to perform some common task within event handlers? Yes! Its time for you to learn about programs within a program. Lets call those mini-programs subroutines. Intro to subroutines Subroutines are an important part of any programming language, and ââ¬â¹Delphi is no exception. In Delphi, there are generally two types of subroutines: a ââ¬â¹function and a procedure. The usual difference between a function and a procedure is that a function can return a value, and a procedure generally will not do so. A function is normally called as a part of an expression. Take a look at the following examples: procedure SayHello(const sWhat:string) ; begin ShowMessage(Hello sWhat) ; end; function YearsOld(const BirthYear:integer): integer; var Year, Month, Day : Word; begin DecodeDate(Date, Year, Month, Day) ; Result : Year - BirthYear; end; Once subroutines have been defined, we can call them one or more times: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ; begin SayHello(Delphi User) ; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject) ; begin SayHello(Zarko Gajic) ; ShowMessage(You are IntToStr(YearsOld(1973)) years old!) ; end; Functions and Procedures As we can see, both functions and procedures act like mini-programs. In particular, they can have their own type, constants and variable declarations inside them. Take a closer look at a (miscellaneous) SomeCalc function: function SomeCalc (const sStr: string; const iYear, iMonth: integer; var iDay:integer): boolean; begin ... end; Every procedure or function begins with a header that identifies the procedure or function and lists the parameters the routine uses if any. The parameters are listed in parentheses. Each parameter has an identifying name and usually has a type. A semicolon separates parameters in a parameter list from one another. sStr, iYear, and iMonth are called constant parameters. Constant parameters cannot be changed by the function (or procedure). The iDay is passed as a var parameter, and we can make changes to it, inside the subroutine. Functions, since they return values, must have a return type declared at the end of the header. The return value of a function is given by the (final) assignment to its name. Since every function implicitly has a local variable Result of the same type as the functions return value, assigning to Result has the same effect as assigning to the name of the function. Positioning and Calling Subroutines Subroutines are always placed in the implementation section of the unit. Such subroutines can be called (used) by an event handler or subroutine in the same unit that is defined after it. Note: the uses clause of a unit tells you which units it can call. If we want a specific subroutine in a Unit1 to be usable by the event handlers or subroutines in another unit (say Unit2), we have to: Add Unit1 to the uses clause of Unit2Place a copy of the header of the subroutine in the interface section of the Unit1. This means that subroutines whose headers are given in the interface section are global in scope. When we call a function (or a procedure) inside its own unit, we use its name with whatever parameters are needed. On another hand, if we call a global subroutine (defined in some other unit, e.g. MyUnit) we use the name of the unit followed by a period. ... //SayHello procedure is defined inside this unit SayHello(Delphi User) ; //YearsOld function is defined inside MyUnit unit Dummy : MyUnit.YearsOld(1973) ; ... Note: functions or procedures can have their own subroutinesââ¬â¹ embedded inside them. An embedded subroutine is local to the container subroutine and cannot be used by other parts of the program. Something like: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ; function IsSmall(const sStr:string):boolean; begin //IsSmall returns True if sStr is in lowercase, False otherwise Result:LowerCase(sStr)sStr; end; begin //IsSmall can only be uses inside Button1 OnClick event if IsSmall(Edit1.Text) then ShowMessage(All small caps in Edit1.Text) else ShowMessage(Not all small caps in Edit1.Text) ; end;
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Japanese Takeaway Restaurant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Japanese Takeaway Restaurant - Essay Example In this research study, in order to identify the appropriate outcomes of the research study, both male and female consumers have been selected as a sample population. While conducting the survey, for identifying the key components, which can lead sustained future success for the Japanese takeaway restaurants, Middlesex Street location has been chosen. Moreover, for the survey, a population sample of young respondents falling under the age group of 1-49 such as students, teachers, doctors and working professionals have been duly considered. à Simultaneously, in order to conduct the statistical survey, ââ¬Ërandom samplingââ¬â¢ approach has been chosen for this particular research. In this regard, it can be claimed that ââ¬Ërandom samplingââ¬â¢ approach is one of the efficient statistical survey approaches by which huge figure of data can be gathered within a quick period and also in a cost-effective manner (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2007). à With the aim of identifying the key components, which can lead towards future success for the Japanese Takeaway Store, overall 10 questions have been framed for the respondents who often consume fast foods. In this regard, the questionnaire was framed in such a manner, wherein, both open ended and close ended questions were selected for identify the behaviors, perceptions, needs, preferences, and opinions of the fast-food customers (Hesse-Biber & et. al., 2010). Ã
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Social and Behavioral Sciences - Research Paper Example Hypertension is very rampant today affecting even young people when it was considered the disease for the old. It must be understood that it affects all gender, races, and economic levels equally. Hypertension accounts for 45% of deaths due to cardiovascular related diseases making it a more lethal killer than any other known heart disease thus being a significant public health problem (Myat, Redwood, Qureshi, Spertus, & Williams, 2012). The etiology of hypertension is very elaborate and complex since there are several factors falling into two interrelated classifications. There are uncontrolled factors that cause hypertensions, factors that an individual has no capacity to change whichever way he or she tries. Different from uncontrolled factors are those that individuals can influence, manipulate and control. These are factors within the environment and in most cases; people significantly determine how they interact with them. Heredity- this is the likelihood of certain families to have a gene responsible for hypertension. This trait is passed on from one generation to another. There is nothing in plan to stop or control it (Ng et al., 2010). This therefore means that individuals from families with history of hypertension are more at risk of hypertension than those with no history. Gender- men are more susceptible to hypertension than women. The fact that gender cannot be changed makes it had to control hypertension in male gender. The probability is also determined by age and ethnicity. Men prefer dealing with stress intrinsically rather than seek help from counselors or psychologists. Furthermore, men are known to have poor coping skills when under pressure than women (Mounier-Vehier et al., 2012). Age-older people have a greater risk of hypertension than young ones, aging brings with it a period of physical inactivity physiological as well as structural alterations of the cardiovascular system such as arteriosclerosis that make
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Patch Adams Relection Paper Essay Example for Free
Patch Adams Relection Paper Essay The movie Patch Adams is a truly inspiring movie for all those who wish to become doctors. The reason I enjoyed the movie, as is for most people, is the character and attitude portrayed by the lead actor Robin Williams. His role in the movie is both fascinating and inspiring. He was a man who, although initially considered himself to sick and suicidal, became one of the greatest flames in the medical history. The part that truly inspires me is his passion. There are very few people in the field today who work out of passion and love. In the process of learning every disease, cure and treatment know to man kind, medical students and doctors tend to forget that they are not treating machines but human beings who deserve not just their attention but also their compassion and sympathy. While I was watching the movie I realized that to become a doctor u need to work hard and pass your exams, but more importantly what u need is the interest and desire to really learn and put the acquired knowledge to use. I realized that if one has the passion and desire, then everything will automatically fall into place. I realized that by scoring the highest in your exams or by mastering every word in the book you only become a doctor. To become a great doctor what you need is passion, dedication and, most important of all, compassion. Another thing that I realized while watching the movie is the need to be open minded and to adapt. The field of medicine is an ever growing, ever developing one. With every passing day there is some or the other new disease or treatment. We have to keep our minds open to all such developments and accept the changes. I also learnt that this open mindedness is important not only in the theoretical knowledge we acquire but that practical life we live. One, no matter how high a position they acquire in the field, should always be open to change and suggestions because the only thing constant in life is change. In fact this movie reminded me of something my dad always tell me, ââ¬Å"look at life through the eyes of a child and live each day like it is either your first or your last. If you can do this then what you have in you is not just focus and concentration but also passion, and an open mind and the willingness to learn.ââ¬
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Psychological Approach to Little Red Riding Hood Essay -- Little Red R
Psychological Approach to ââ¬Å"Little Red Riding Hoodâ⬠à à à à à By looking at Broumasââ¬â¢ Little Red Riding Hood you can apply the three Freudian zones of the psychological approach to the poem, which are the id, superego, and ego. The three Freudian zones allow the reader to look at different aspects that is believed to rule our lives.à Each zone has a different meaning that interrelates with the other.à Broumasââ¬â¢ Little Red Riding Hood has lots of evidence that gives clues to what the main character may have been proposing to her mother. à à à à The id is described as the source of all our aggressions and desires.à It is lawless, asocial, and amoral (HCAL 130).à The id is our desire to do all of the bad things even though we may know that they are wrong or may have consequences.à The author of Little Red Riding Hood, Olga Broumas, gives an example of how she has allowed her id to overcome both her ego and superego.à She is a feminist lesbian.à In ou... ...standing of what the poem may mean.à My preference, the psychological approach, seemed fit for the many situations that the character was facing.à The poem was a little psycho at first but by applying this approach it has helped me to understand not only this poem but some real life situations. à Bibliography à à à à Guerin, et. al., ed.à A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature, fourth edition.à Oxford UP. à à à à Rabkin, Eric.à Stories. Harper Collinsà à à à Ã
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Racism In Breath, Eyes, Memory
The focal point of this paper is to evaluate and analyze the aspects of racism and racial discrimination in Edwidge Danticatââ¬â¢s Breath, Eyes, Memory, published by Vintage in May 18, 1998. This is the story of discrimination that details the life of a black immigrant girl. It would be narrated and discussed in the paper the basic aspects of racism and the elements that are investigated and represented in the text by the author. Thus it becomes mandatory to understand the different aspects of racial discrimination in view of the story and beyond.It can be stated that in this text the Haitian culture is narrated in a sensitive and insightful new voice where the narrator Sophie mentions that ââ¬Å"I come from a place where breath, eyes and memory are one, a place where you carry your past like the hair on your headâ⬠. (Danticat, 34) The parameters of life are well developed with the arrival into a new land, the US. Here in the story we find the authorââ¬â¢s view of this ne w culture is realized and exhaled in the alignment of the existing menace of racial discrimination.This is also a story where a girl under difficult circumstances moves into adulthood to distinguish between freedom and discrimination. It can well be stated that a completely color blind society is what that is most welcomed in a democratic form of government but despite every sort of constitutional rights and social enigma the curse of racism continues to dominate even the most developed and civilized states of the world. This racism is not only confined within the socio- economically backward section of the population but has crept into various strata of the society and institutions, no matter private or public, are no exceptions.The parameters of racism states that humans are separated into various groups in the belief that some people are superior because they belong to a particular ethnic or national group. It could be summarized that racism is the result of having negative judgm ents, beliefs, and feelings towards certain identifiable groups. (Bell, 271-3) This is clearly seen in the text time and again. However, the book starts off with a wonderful solace and tranquility where we find Sophie in a calm environment where ââ¬Å"a flattened and drying daffodil was dangling off the little card that I had made my aunt Atie for Mother's Dayâ⬠.(Danticat, 3) But soon it was found that as soon as the motherless child moved to US to live with her mother after 12 years she found that life was much different and her skin color was to be blamed for that. Sexual abuse and rape came as an evident menace of the community and hardships were all along the line. Economic invalidity was a fact that each member of the community lived and this was more unbearable with the oppressed community being discriminated in the social context.If we look closely enough, we would find that during the 19th and the early part of 20th century it was the times of building, developing and sustaining a huge empire, later known as colonies, by the major players of the European politics. It should also be noted that this period, the 19th and the early part of 20th century, was also the fallout period of the essence of industrial revolution. Industrial revolution freed the entrepreneurs from the usual bondage of traditional economy and for the general it was the time for a new social bondage free from the earlier pseudo- feudal economic system.But all these developments also brought in new learning and new ideologies where ideas of human rights occupied a major role and were easy to come by with its influence. In this context and social structure it would have been very hard to digest the ideals of imperial expansions through the method of brutal strength. (Dollard, 116-7) This hard pill of ââ¬Ëcolonialism with brutalityââ¬â¢ needed some spooning with sweetness to become a favorable aromatic digestible element for the general people of the imperial states.As a resu lt this phrase ââ¬Ëwhite manââ¬â¢s burdenââ¬â¢ came into existence as a remedy to the enlightens of the industrial revolution and people were ready to buy this theory as this theory easily softened the guilt feeling of the educated class and apparently justified the brutal acts and decisions taken to control and cover the colonial agitations. It is not that the leaders of men and the men of their leaders never knew what was really going wrong in these colonies but kept both eyes blind towards these acts.This is because all of them and all the way they knew everything they did and everything they knew about the colonies were either immoral or tampered to the extent of fallacy but could never digest the fact as it was too decadent for their psyche. (Border, 375) As for in the sector of employment it has been seen time and again that there is a system working as an open secret that discriminate colored or immigrants with job opportunity and salary. This discrimination is based on not only color or political distinction but also is depended upon other factors like class, creed, cast, religion, sex and even ideology.The sufferings of Sophie as a part of this backward class were the result of all these culminations. But hope lived on as ever. This aspect of hope is well placed in the story in the metaphor of lottery tickets that Sophieââ¬â¢s aunt use to buy without ever gaining anything. According to Sophie ââ¬Å"She said that lottery was like love. Providence was not with her but she was patient. â⬠(Danticat, 6) However, it should be mentioned that all the sufferings and everything that has been stated above is a part of an ideology that the racist believe to be of ultimate truth.Of course, people acting as a racist never consider themselves a raciest as this idea of racism generally stands as a contrast with the idea of democracy but deep inside each of these individuals know that racism exists. All these members of the society, a cross section of every class and morality, exist in the most democratic format of state and a member of the state they contribute their portion of racist feeling to the society and the white characters in the story hardly feels anything special about their deed or any special essence that they were actually doing any wrong.It was more like their system. (Brundage, 145-7) This goes through a snowball effect of which the ultimate result comes out as a cumulative act of racist behavior. This is the prime reason of Institutional Racism and the above stated facts are its impact on education, employment and health. It should be remembered that no one person could be treated or marked as a racist but the society, or better say sociological impacts, shape each of them to this finishing line. It must be stated in this context that the greatest racist in history Adolph Hitler did exactly that.He incorporated racism within the cross section of the German mass against the Jews though various methods like usi ng media to his benefit and through overwhelming oratory. His views as a racist seeped into the general German mass that ultimately helped him to perform the notorious genocide killing 5 million Jews. The idea of racial discrimination through methodical racial institutionalization of education, employment and health was put into the ultimate practice with fearful results. (Cunningham, 24-5)Like Sophieââ¬â¢s aunt, and the essence of the story, we are also part of a dream of the cohesive community that exhibits some basic features. Firstly, such a community has a common aspiration, which is shared by all the citizens of the community. As a result, each member feels as much a part of it as the other. Secondly, despite the common vision a cohesive community continues to respect the unique character of all the sub-communities and each individual member. Thirdly, a cohesive community allows equal opportunities to everybody.Lastly, it should be mentioned that in a cohesive community str ong interpersonal bonds are formed, even between individuals with dissimilar backgrounds, in social settings such as the neighbourhood, schools, colleges and offices. For long, people have dreamt of a society that contains no bar on the basis of being different from the main stream. But ultimately, it has been found that a dream like this is no more than a fallacy and this dream of a colorblind society has been proved to be a patch of utopia. (Dos, 47-48) Works Cited: Danticat, Edwidge; Breath, Eyes, Memory; New York: Vintage; May 18, 1998Bell, L; Man, Society and Management Techniques (New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 2006) pp 271-3 Border, S; Human Resource Strategies: Games People Play (Remote Publishing Trust; 2004) pp 375 Brundage, C; Community Law and the Crusaders of Community (HBT Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2000) pp 145-7 Cunningham, S A; Introduction to Sociology (DLTT Publications Ltd. 2006) pp 24-5 Dos, M; Advent of Motivation (Alliance Publications; 2007) pp 47-48 Dollard, John; Zenith and Zero Point (New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 2004) pp 116-7
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Irony in Love
Irony in Love Irony is a mystery. The smartest minds of society even contradict themselves; nothing goes as planned. No matter how much people are molded by others, they are always their own individual with their own free will. Love is also a mystery; it is an emotion, but also a psychological necessity. Having immense book smarts and everything planned out does not set the standards for the ideal guy. Conceded, self-centered people have no realization that the world does not revolve around them and their opinion.In many cases, the guy ââ¬Å"on topâ⬠does not always get what he wants but what he deserves. In Max Sultan's, Love Is a Fallacy, the story has almost no association with the emotion love; it follows the material, selfish, earthly values of humans. Salmon portrays how irony can be seen through a man teaching a woman how to be logic, but then the woman turns away. Logically choosing another mate. A young law student pursues Poly Espy; a beautiful, graceful classmate who is not the brilliant compared to him. He aims to teach her logic, making them the ââ¬Å"perfectâ⬠pair.In his arrogance he neglects to see that Poly is her own person and does not have to choose him, no matter his educational status. After all the knowledge given to her, she makes the decision to ââ¬Å"go steady' with his roommate, Petty Bellows, realizing their relationship is not a logical choice for her life. As John Gay has said ââ¬Å"follow love and it will flee, flee love and it will follow. â⬠Poly sees right through the main character, all his ââ¬Å"hard workâ⬠back fired. In the end of the story she has no interest in him. With all his intelligence, he has no emotions.Everything enters around him. During the story, Poly and the future lawyer meet for their ââ¬Å"datesâ⬠at the Knoll. Known for being regularly visited by young couples as a hook up spot. Though this young couple ironically goes to talk about logic. The young law student could have ta ken her any. Veer at all, but chose to take her to a romantic spot for a non-romantic conversation. His unconscious, emotionless choice provides the audience and Poly even more information to come to the conclusion that he isn't emotionally interested; even though he stated it early in the story.For him this is strictly an experiment to see if Poly is ââ¬Å"worthy' of him. He would rather spend the time ââ¬Å"correctingâ⬠Polyps mind because she is ââ¬Å"logic-proof,â⬠than trying to get to know her for who she really is. In doing this he debilitates the chemical process the brain completes in order to feel the emotion of lust and attraction. Everyone and everything has to measure up to him or it is not good enough. Though, in the end the law student doesn't measure up to his roommate that is ââ¬Å"dumb as an ox. â⬠At the end of the story, Poly chooses Petty over the pompous law student imply because of the raccoon coat.Ironically the reason petty has the coat is because of the fact that his roommate gave him it for the girl. Poly hilariously proves to the young man that no matter how well put together someone's future or current situation in life, something as simple as a raccoon coat can leave you in the dust. From the very beginning, Poly and Petty already had chemistry. Like John Dryden once said ââ¬Å"love is not in our choice but in our fate,â⬠there was something established prior. The young lawyer sought out to take her, not even considering she needed to be won over.Once again not thinking about another individual's opinion, only his need and wants to become a ââ¬Å"successfulâ⬠lawyer. Proven in Love Is a Fallacy, you can educate someone to a higher standard but the repercussions of that action may not be in your favor. This lead to the knowledge that having a giant intellect does not mean that an individual knows everything, especially about love. Many geniuses do not understand that not every aspect of life needs to be mathematically calculated to precision. People are singular because no one is exactly alike.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Comparative Literature essays
Comparative Literature essays Although deference, self-righteousness, rashness, and self-delusion do not help the other characters in Hamlet to understand the truth or survive, Hamlets perpetual reflection prevents him from taking action. Hamlet seems to grasp the failings of the other characters and the inevitability of death, but cannot blindly accept anything to be the basis of truth. He is not sure whether a ghosts word should be the basis of murder: Faced with evidence that his uncle murdered his father, evidence that any other character in a play would believe, Hamlet becomes obsessed with proving his uncles guilt before trying to act, (Phillips). Hamlet even contemplates suicide, but ultimately decides that the terrors of this world are generally willingly preferred to the terrors of a world unknown. Still, his madness spurs him to impulsive action. He kills Polonius without knowing who is behind the tapestry, and he torments Ophelia without any clear intent. This suggests a man who truly believes in nothi ng, not even rational contemplation as a basis for truth. He tries being erratic and impetuous, but this yields no better results than his brooding melancholy. Centrally, he cannot submit himself to any belief that might indicate to him how to act and this is what allows Claudius and Laertes to kill him. The nagging difficulty is that there is very little in a human beings life can be certain; yet, we are still forced to act and make crucial decisions based upon our imperfect knowledge. Hamlet struggles with this problem directly by questioning everything that others may accept on faith or on a whim. This is Hamlets fatal flaw: he is frozen by contemplation. Taken together, every character in Hamlet exhibits a particular fatal flaw; but Hamlet himself seems to stand alone in the midst of the other characters actions. In other words, despite the fact that he takes part in the most significant actions o...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Why Google is Looking for These 5 Key Traits in Employees
Why Google is Looking for These 5 Key Traits in Employees Google did a two-year study of its workers and discovered (surprise!) that fancy degrees and super-genius IQs donââ¬â¢t make great team players. Recent research out of the University of Notre Dame confirms this: what matters most is that coworkers trust each other and believe in what theyââ¬â¢re doing. Forget self-interest and pedigree. Forget top-name colleges and the SATs. Google is now shifting course to recruit people who are hardworking and resilient instead- and finally working to diversify their workforce (which is a shocking 70% male and 60% white). Say goodbye to the old elitism of the lone wolf superstar, and say hello to an appreciation of candidates who can overcome adversity.The most important thing companies want to do is building better teams, and hereââ¬â¢s what theyââ¬â¢ll be looking for:1. Psychological safetyTeam members need to trust each other to take risks. Superegos only get in the way. Team members need to be comfortable being vulnerable together t o do their best work.2. DependabilityThe best teams get it done on time and set the bar consistently high.3. Structure ClarityThe best teams work together with clear roles and goals and strategies.4. MeaningItââ¬â¢s important to believe in the work youââ¬â¢re doing together and to make it matter.5. ImpactThe best stuff comes out of teams working to make something meaningful and affect change.As a Harvard HR rep wrote in a blog post, ââ¬Å"Whoà is on a team matters less than how the team members interact, structure their work, and view their contributions.â⬠The dream team of the future is a powerhouse of people with a wide variety of strengths and talents, people who can trust each other enough to take risks and create a more dynamic future. It doesnââ¬â¢t matter where you went to college. What matters is what you bring to the table and how well you contribute to the group.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Evaluating Internationalization Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Evaluating Internationalization Strategy - Essay Example Technological 7 3.1.5. Environmental factors 7 3.1.6. Legal factors 8 3.2. SWOT Analysis 8 3.3. Market Entry Strategies 8 4. Conclusion 10 5. Recommendations 10 Bibliography 10 Au, K., Suen, B., Shen, N. and Tang, J. 2011. Internationalization of Koyo Jeans from Hong Kong. à Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation Pp. 11à 10 Bardhan, p. 2003. International Trade, Growth, and Development. Wiley-Blackwell. pp.296 11 Brigham, E.F and Ehrhardt, M. 2010. Financial Management: Theory & Practice (with Thomson ONE - Business School Edition 1-Year Printed Access Card) South-Western College Pub 1184 11 Bomann-Larsen, L. and Wiggen, O. 2004. Responsibility in World Business: Managing Harmful Side-Effects of Corporate Activity. Tokyo, United Nations University Press, Pp.305 11 Blenkhorn, D.L. and Fleisher, C.S.2005. Competitive Intelligence and Global Business. Westport, CT, Praeger Pp.308 11 Cullen, J.B. and Parboteeah, K.P. 2010. International Business: Strategy and the Multinational C ompany. Routledge. pp.528 11 Kline, J.M. 2005. Ethics for International Business: Decision Making in a Global Political Economy. London, Routledge. Pp.285 11 Matthew, H. 2012. Demands of Supply: The Illicit Pathways of Global Supply Chains: Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 66 (1). 11 Magretta, J. 2011. Creating Value: The Core--Staking Out Your Company's Unique Competitive Position Using Michael Porter's Elements of Strategy. Harvard Business Press Chapters. Pp.29 12 Magretta, J. 2011. Understanding Michael Porter: The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy. Harvard Business Press. Pp.2008 12 Montgomery, C.A and Porter M E. 1991. Strategy: Seeking and Securing Competitive Advantage Harvard Business Press. Pp.350 12 Porter M. E. 2008. On Competition, Updated and Expanded Edition. Harvard Business Press. Pp. 576. 12 Wettstein, F. 2009. Multinational Corporations and Global Justice: Human Rights Obligations of a Quasi-Governmental Institution. Stanford, CA, Stanford Business Books. Pp.425. 12 1. Introduction Koyo Jeansââ¬â¢ business was started by William Cheung in 2003 in Hong Kong. Though he had started a small business targeting the local clients in Hong Kong, today the business has spread to China and Spain. The management is targeting to explore other parts of the globe; specifically Singapore and Brazil (Cavusgil.et.al, 2011, p. 457). Technological advancement, political climate, socio-cultural, environmental and legal factors relating to specific nation affects the performance of trading activities in that country (Au.et. al, 2011, p.3). The expansion of Koyo Jeansââ¬â¢ business to other countries like Singapore and Brazil will require thorough understanding of prevailing conditions in the target market and a strategic approach to enable them overcome those. 2. Environment Audit of the Current Market 2.1. Industry Life-cycle When Koyo Jeans sets up business, sales are normally low since clients are not familiar with the business. The owner is not able to enjoy economies of scale hence high overhead cost. With time, the production efficiency and the number of customer increases, hence the owner starts enjoying benefits due to large scale production resulting to low overhead cost. Later on, other producers join the market, the total sales volume of individual investor declines resulting to decline in business growth (Cavusgil.et.al, 2011, p. 463). When the market becomes oversaturated with investors, revenue of the individuals starts declining due to increasing operation cost (Au.et. al,
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